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History of Cosmetics & Makeup with Amazing quotes

‘Makeup’ is the sum of what makes you who you are, or what you smear on your face. It is the combination of your parents genes or you could wear cosmetic wear to accentuate wear physical traits.
The meaning of makeup has been in use since 1880’s, since the period of queen victoria.

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Makeup exaggerates women’s beauty. It will be wrong to say women uses makeup to hide her beauty flaws.

But, do you anything about history of makeup???

Who first Wore makeup?

When was the first makeup brand created?

The first use of makeup or cosmetics can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians. Cleopatra used to use lipstick made from ground carmine beetles and other women used to mix clay and water to create their lipsticks, They used to use Kohl around their eyes.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used to paint their faces using ground up minerals and stones from middle ages till 19th century only. Prostitutes & lower class women dared to wear colors on their face, lips or eyes. By the end of 20th century, products like lipsticks, mascaras etc began to emerge.

The history of cosmetics spans at least 7000 years. The art of wearing makeup was introduced by ancient Egyptians,
approx. 12000 years ago, but makeup market was developed in the US during 1910’s by Arden, Helena Rubinstein & Max factor.
Later they were joined by Ravlon (before world War II) & estee lauder (Just after World War II).

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Today cosmetics & makeup industry have become a multi-billion dollar industry with time, the world of makeup & cosmetics will continue to evolve.

I believe that all women are pretty without makeup and can be pretty, powerful with the right makeup.

So the correct amount of makeup using right makeup products will not only get you glowing look but will also help in transforming entire look.

Today, endless makeup brands are available in the market. Every different cosmetics co. claims a super-secret formula for their own products but in reality make up products share the same care ingredients.


1. ‘Makeup is art. Beauty is Spirit

2. ‘Makeup is not a tool meant to make an ugly thing beautiful it is meant to magnify the beauty that already exists.

3. ‘I believe that all women’s are pretty without makeup- and can be pretty powerful with the right makeup’.

4. Beauty is power and makeup is something that really enhances that; Its a Women’s secret.

5. Makeup is self confidence applied directly to the face.

6. Treat your makeup like jewellery for the face, play with colors, shades, structure. It can transform you.

7. Life is short, Buy the makeup.

8. Makeup is not a mask, Its an art, passion and expression.

9. Life is short, Buy the Makeup.


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